Tuesday, June 23, 2009


as i sit watching, wondering, waiting
until the day i see you again
and think about what could have been
what might have come to light

the path we walk is twisted
broken as i stumble
reaching, searching

holding on
to something true
not knowing yet if it is you

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just said it would be worth it."

why does this seem so true lately?

you can go forever and not see someone

then when you least expect it

they walk back into your life for some unknown purpose

and i'm still left wondering why

i believe that everything happens for a reason

and that the reason is not always clear

there is beauty and laughter and joy again

but in the beauty, there is darkness,

in the laughter there are tears,

and in the joy there is heartache

to know what we had, what we lost

brings regret and pain

to know what we are slowly finding again

fills my heart and makes me whole

to know that you have changed

as i have changed as well

but together, we haven't changed all that much after all

i've missed you, my friend

you've always been in my heart,

and now once again you are in my life

i will be forever grateful for that


as i sit here
watch you sleep
my mind goes back
so long ago
a moonlit night
the air so soft and still
the promise of tomorrow
on the lips of yesterday
what did i do to deserve you, my love
how did something so amazing
come into my life
your sweet and gentle nature
the perfection of your eyes
a reflection of what used to be in my heart
you are the gift i never knew
my precious child


The presence of your captivating spirit
Overwhelming in simplicity
Leaves so much to be discovered
As I sit here awestruck
Silent and pondering

Your joyous appreciation
For the little things in life
The sparkle in your eyes
And quirk of your lips
Take my breath away

The beauty of spontaneity
As I watch you light up the room
With your simple whole of self

Your lips can spin a tale of magic
Within a word of truth
Golden honey falls from your mouth
A taste unlike any other

Your eyes relay a tale of wonder
Providing but a fleeting glimpse
Of what lies beneath

Your heart, soul and true self
Holds many rooms within
Each locked with a key you own
Held beneath your seductive tongue

You are an enigma
A beautiful masterpiece of complexities
Perfection in form, genuine essence
Utterly inspiring in all that you are

No words can bring justice to the
Light you radiate
From the very depths of your being

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