Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Smile through the tears

And more often than not, as of late, it's a life of ups and downs. One day to the next, never knowing what's in store. What to do at times like these? It helps to find something to hold onto. The extraordinary in the everyday..and even on the worst of days, something to smile about...

-the sound of my children laughing

-sunshine and fluffy clouds on a beautiful day

-late night drives on a summer night; windows down and music up

-getting a text message out of the blue that makes me laugh out loud

-painted toenails

-snuggles on the couch

-milkshakes and ice pops

-feeling pretty in my clothes

-getting lost in a good novel

-song lyrics that speak to my soul

-sincere compliments from unexpected places

-the sound of a Harley, ripping up the highway


-the smell of fresh cut grass, cookies in the oven or racing fuel

-the way a great pair of jeans feels and looks

-singing along with the radio

-making plans with friends

-bedtime whispers of "I love you mom"

And above all else, hold onto the knowledge that this too, shall pass

Kahlil Gibran:
"... joy and sorrow are inseparable. . . together they come and when one sits alone with you . . . remember that the other is asleep upon your bed"

1 comment:

  1. There is beauty just has to open their eyes to it and appreciate it for what it is. You definitely see the beauty of each day. Keep your eyes open and your smile on. :)
